Information for contributed talks
As a presenter of a contributed talk (in particular the following does not apply to you if you are an invited speaker), you are expected to
- register,
- present your paper at a poster session, and
- give a 4 minute talk to advertise your poster/result.
The poster should be in A0-format. There are no further restrictions.
If you want to print your poster in Zurich, there are many print ships. The nearest you can find is here ADAG Media (Universitätstrasse 25, 8006 Zürich).
We emphasize that this information is provided without any guarantee. In particular, these shops may be out of stock, unexpectedly closed, the staff may not speak English, etc.
For the talk presentation you can prepare slides either in pdf-format or powerpoint-format. In order to speed up the switch between speakers we require you to send us your slides before the conference.
The deadline is .
Send the slides by email to the PC chair with subject Slides for paper (paper number)
and attach the slides as a file named either (paper number).pdf
or (paper number).pptx